How to -save videos from twitter-very easy


To save videos from Twitter, you can follow these steps: 

Method 1: Using a Video Downloader Website or Extension 

1. Find the tweet containing the video you want to save.

2. Copy the URL of the tweet. You can do this by clicking on the timestamp of the tweet and then copying the URL from the browser's address bar.

3. Visit a reliable video downloader website, such as "" or ""

4. Paste the URL of the tweet into the provided field on the website.

5. Choose the desired video quality or format if available.

6. Click on the "Download" or similar button to initiate the download.

7. Wait for the video to be processed and downloaded to your device. 

Method 2: Using a Download Manager Software 

1. Install a download manager software on your computer, such as "Internet Download Manager" (IDM) or "Free Download Manager."

2. Find the tweet containing the video you want to save.

3. Copy the URL of the tweet.

4. Open the download manager software and locate the option to add a new download.

save videos from twitter

5. Paste the URL into the provided field in the download manager.

6. Configure any desired settings, such as download location or video quality.

7. Start the download process, and the video will be saved to your specified location on your computer. 

Remember to respect copyright laws and only download videos for personal use or with proper permissions from the content creator.

trending hashtags twitter 

As an AI model, I don't have real-time access to current data or trending topics on Twitter. However, you can find the latest trending hashtags on Twitter by following these steps:


1. Open Twitter on your computer or mobile device.

2. On the left-hand side of the Twitter homepage, you will find the "Explore" tab. Click on it.

3. In the Explore section, you will see a list of trending topics and hashtags on the right-hand side. This list may vary based on your location and the accounts you follow.

4. Click on "Show more" or scroll down to see additional trending hashtags.


Twitter provides a real-time update of the most popular and widely used hashtags at any given time. Keep in mind that trending topics and hashtags can change frequently, reflecting the latest events, news, and conversations happening on Twitter.

facebook twitter instagram logo 

As an AI text-based model, I'm unable to display images directly. However, I can describe the logos of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to you:


1. Facebook: The Facebook logo consists of a lowercase letter "f" in a blue square box. The "f" is in white color on the blue background. The square box is slightly rounded at the corners.


2. Twitter: The Twitter logo features a bird known as the "Twitter bird" or "Larry the Bird." The bird is facing to the right and is predominantly blue. The bird's body is a curved shape, and its head is slightly tilted upward. The bird is outlined in white and has some white details on its wings and tail.


3. Instagram: The Instagram logo is a camera-shaped icon. It consists of a simple outline of a square with rounded corners. Inside the square, there is a small, stylized camera symbol. The camera is designed with basic shapes, including a circular lens and a rectangular body.


Please note that the logo designs may have evolved or changed since my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. It's always a good idea to refer to official sources or conduct an internet search to view the latest versions of these logos.

bio for twitter

Creating a bio for your Twitter profile is a great way to introduce yourself and provide a snapshot of who you are. Here's an example of a bio for Twitter:


"[Your Name]: [Profession/Passion/Interest]. Sharing my thoughts, ideas, and experiences. Lover of [specific interests/hobbies]. Seeking inspiration and connection in the Twitterverse. Let's connect and explore together! 🌟"


Feel free to customize the bio with your own information, such as your name, profession, interests, and any other details that reflect your personality or brand. It's a good idea to keep the bio concise and engaging to catch people's attention while conveying your unique qualities.

the founder of twitter

The co-founders of Twitter are Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. Jack Dorsey is often credited as the primary founder of Twitter. He played a crucial role in the development and initial launch of the platform. However, it's important to note that Twitter's creation was a collaborative effort involving all three co-founders. Jack Dorsey served as the CEO of Twitter in its early years and later returned to the company as CEO in 2015.

Whit is twitter

Twitter is a popular social media platform that allows users to post and interact with short messages called "tweets." It is designed for real-time communication and has become a prominent platform for news, discussions, and sharing information. Users can create an account, follow other users, and receive updates from those they follow. Tweets are limited to 280 characters (formerly 140 characters) and can include text, images, videos, and links. Users can engage with tweets by liking, retweeting, replying, or sharing them. Twitter has had a significant impact on social and cultural conversations, serving as a platform for public figures, organizations, and individuals to express their thoughts, opinions, and interests.

How it works

Twitter works as a microblogging platform where users can share and interact with short messages called tweets. Here's a general overview of how Twitter works:


1. Account Creation: Users start by creating a Twitter account. This involves providing a username (or handle) and some basic profile information.


2. Following and Followers: Once the account is set up, users can follow other accounts that they find interesting or want to receive updates from. When a user follows another account, the tweets from that account will appear on their timeline.


3. Tweeting: Users can compose tweets, which are limited to 280 characters (including text, images, videos, and links). Tweets can be about personal thoughts, sharing news articles, promoting events, or engaging in conversations. Users can also mention other accounts by including their username preceded by the "@" symbol.


4. Interacting with Tweets: Twitter allows users to engage with tweets in various ways. They can like a tweet by clicking the heart icon, retweet a tweet to share it with their own followers, reply to a tweet to start a conversation, or quote a tweet to add their own commentary. These interactions help spread and amplify the reach of tweets.


5. Hashtags and Trends: Users can add hashtags (words or phrases preceded by the "#" symbol) to their tweets to categorize them and make them more discoverable. Twitter also displays trending topics and hashtags, indicating the most popular discussions and hashtags at a given time.


6. Notifications: Users receive notifications when someone interacts with their tweets, mentions them in a tweet, or follows their account. Notifications help users stay updated on their engagement and conversations.


7. Explore and Discover: Twitter provides an "Explore" section where users can discover new content, trending topics, and accounts to follow. It showcases a curated selection of tweets, moments, and live events.


8. Direct Messages: Twitter allows users to send private messages to each other using the Direct Message (DM) feature. This enables one-on-one or group conversations outside of public tweets.


9. Privacy and Settings: Users can manage their account settings, privacy preferences, and control who can see their tweets, follow them, or interact with them. Twitter provides options to customize the user experience based on personal preferences.


It's worth noting that Twitter's features and functionalities may evolve over time as the platform continues to develop and introduce new updates to enhance user experience and address emerging needs.



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